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How do I install the software?

We know what a pain it can be having to install software on your server or PC, with multiple reboots, incompatibility issues and poor instructions so the good news is… don’t have to install any software!

Protean FSM

If Protean FSM is the system you need then, as part of your implementation package, we take care of the installation for you. We will install Microsoft SQL Server, if needed, and set up Protean FSM on your server without you having to lift a finger.


If you are a small service business looking at ServiceSight, it’s even easier! We host ServiceSight in the cloud for you so as long as you have a web browser on your PC, laptop or tablet (and we support Chrome, Edge & Safari) you can access the system. When you sign up for ServiceSight you will be emailed a link which takes you straight to the log in page. It’s as simple as that.

That’s it – either we do it for you or there is nothing to install depending what product you are using.